Typical data of BHEL make Boiler Feed Pump and its
motor is given below briefly.
Booster Feed Pump
a. Direction of rotation Anticlockwise (viewed on NDE)
b. Suction
temperature ; C 161.8
deg c
c. Suction
pressure 8.43
Pressure 25.65 ata
e.Flow rate,
f. Efficiency % 81
rev/m 1494
absorbed, KW 662
i. Driver/Pump flexible coupling Euroflex, India
B. Boiler Feed Pump
a. Suction Flow 894960 kg/hr
b. Suction
pressure 26.85 ata
c. Discharge Pressure 209.19
d. Speed rpm 5465
e. Power
consumption KW 6233
g. Normal recirculation flow 250 m3/hr.
C. Hydraulic Coupling
a. Manufacturer VOITH
c. Rotation seen in direction of power flow CCW
d. Motor Speed rpm 1494
f. Primary Speed ‘rpm’ 5089
g. Full load slip 2.24%
i. Max.
output speed ‘rpm’ 5820
k. Oil tank
filling 2500 litres.
Auxiliary oil Pump
Power 30 KW
Rated speed 2945 rpm
Voltage 415 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Protection IP 55
The details above are for 500 MW units . It is prudent to verify with OEM ( original equipment Manufacturer specification during working .
Activities related to Boiler feed
pump erection and commissioning (MD)
Preparation of
foundation for PUMP ,MOTOR and
HYDRAULIC COUPLING ( i.e checking of center
line with respect to known co-ordinates , checking of pocket dimensions , Level of the foundations
etc .Also check the foundation of coolers .Also record the data in protocol for further decision
Placement of motor and hydraulic
coupling on the foundation .
Grouting of motors
& HC with ready mix grout ( conbextra GP 2 , SIKKA etc)
Motor winding
RTDs( Resistence Temperature detector), Instrumentation checking completion
Motor cooling
waters lines completion
Alignment of motor
& hydraulic. Coupling
Hydraulic coupling
instrumentation completion
Mounting of scoop
tube actuator
Checking and
clearance setting of motor bearings.
continued to PART _III
Good article thanks for sharing..!!!
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