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Sunday, 25 August 2013


After successful air leakage Test insulation work of inner roof ,casing wall can be start

simultaneously . Once insulation of inner roof is over laying of outer roof and other

equipment installation ( like insulator housing , disconnecting switch , transformer ,

rapping mechanism with drives , insulator heaters and finally top structures and sheeting)

will start. However if roof sheeting works completed before start of inner roof installation

then insulation work can be done during rainy seasons.

Following erection checks /dimensional checks are carried out on ESP.

- Ensure the gap between Gas distribution screen and bottom of in let funnel of ESP is 100+10 mm .

-Ensure the gap between Gas distribution screen and bottom of in let funnel of ESP is 100+10 mm .

-Ensure the distance between roof beam and emitting frame top is 195+5  mm minimum .

-Ensure support insulator bottom tip to emitting electrode frame top is maintained  as per drawing.

-Ensure the central line of collecting  rapping drive shaft centre to shock bar centre 310+5mm. If not .  available maintain it with proper shims.

-Emitting electrode support screen tube edge to emitting frame top edge distance is maintained as per drawing.

-Distance between centre of emitting system suspension point to first hook with collecting electrode frames maintained as per drawing. 

-Emitting frames to collecting electrode distance maintained as per drawing.

-Deflection plate to Emitting electrode suspension screen tube dimension is maintained as per drawing.

-Confirm the suspension rod is centrally located with respect to support insulator.

-Confirm the shock pad and tumbling hammer face are in the same vertical plane. If necessary confirm the same with chalk test by running the collecting rapping of each field.

-Set rings are in position.

-Clearance between shock bar edge to shock bar  guide is (40mm) and shock bars are moving freely.

-Ensure shock bar guides and link rods are aligned properly.

-Clearance between collecting electrode and hopper deflection plate in the vertical plane as per drawing.

-Straightness of shock bar and guide to be ensured.

-The distance between emitting electrode and collecting electrode is as per drawing.

-The pitch distance of emitting electrode as per drawing.

-Randomly check the spring back of emitting electrode.

-Verticality of all collecting electrode at all level to be ensured, otherwise to be corrected.

-Ensure deflection plates and throttling plates are arrested by welding.

-Distribution screen manhole doors are locked in position.


-Confirm collecting rapping geared motor, clutch and coupling alignment .

- A slight axial play of the rapper shaft is maintained.
-     With rapping shaft. Mark the direction of rotation of the rapping shaft outside. Even a short running of shaft in reverse direction will extensively damage the shock bar.
-    Check the pin wheel arrangement for proper erection and confirm proper transmission of torque from rapping shaft. A minimum axial play of 5 mm on either side of shaft insulator is maintained. Correctly mark the direction of rotation over the geared motor.
-     Confirm correct style of scavenging screws are installed concentrically around the shaft insulators.
-     Check the collecting rapping shaft and emitting electrode rapping shaft-sealing arrangement as per drawing.
-     Confirm proper alignment of plain bearing and set rings and proper seating of rapping shaft in the bearing.
-     Drain the old oil from the gear box and fill new oil into the gear box as per lubrication recommended up to the correct level marked.
-     Confirm all drive motors bearings are greased.
-    Check all motor bolts are properly tightened after alignment.

continued to next part on commissioning.

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