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Thursday, 27 June 2013


In part -I I have included two drawings and few photographs for understanding. Duct

preassembly job needs to taken up early stage of Boiler erection. Material follow up

need to be done extensively as number of small items are required to be placed . It is

to be kept in mind that flue gas duct will weigh more than the air duct because of plate

thickness is more in flue gas duct due abrasion . Duct can be assembled on flat ground

or raised platform. For bigger duct assembly on ground will be preferred.  However

minimum clearance to be kept for welding of the plates and stiffener component at the

bottom otherwise crane will be required to turn  the same. For 500MW or 660 MW unit

at least 06 to 08 hydras , two number 25MT crawler cranes are required to start assembly

on three beds. For erection crane size will be governed by assembly weight of the Duct.

Special care and checking to be carried for hanger support and bottom support of the

Duct. Expansion joints , Dampers are fitted on the duct on location. Expansion joints

are two types . One is made of metal ( cotton steel) and other is non metal ( made of

special items imported from outside India) . NMEJ is not very popular in India . Except

trying it two three projects utilities were gone back to metallic one.

Pre assembled wind box duct lifted before the lifting of water walls in Boiler.

Tolerances of Ducts.

- After assembly of Duct the  difference between diagonals   +/- 02 mm. to +/- 05 mm.

- Duct reference line to Reference axis ( for example Boiler Axis)  +/- 05 mm.

- Elevation of Ducts w.r.t . bench mark                                            +/- 05 mm.

- End out of squareness of Ducts                                           +/- 02 mm to +/- 05 mm

- Out of roundness of circular duct                                         +/- 02 mm to +/- 05 mm

- Flatness of contact surfaces                                                    03 mm

- Opening Dimensions of Ducts with respect to dampers ( width /height : 05 mm)

- Verticals of both plane dampers  1 mm/M maximum  up to 05 mm.

- Twist or Out of squareness             1mm /M maximum up to 05 mm.

- In case of gates tolerances maximum is up to 10 mm.  Insulation thickness of the duct specially

flue gas duct to be taken care of during site routed tray work and misc. piping work. Welding

work to be completed before starting of insulation duct and few places kerosene test are being

done to detect welding mistake. After assembly of the duct air tightness test were conducted

part by part to identify the leakage and this exercise is very time consuming and time taken but

worth taking at the early stage rather doing it later date by losing generation.

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