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Thursday, 21 November 2013


Up to last blog about soil   investigation  we have seen the places in the thermal station needs soil  investigation and also type of field in-situ testing is to be done. Also we have seen the type of laboratory test to be carried out. Now we will see what are the essential part to be included in the report so that it becomes a comprehensive report at the end.


At first draft report will be submitted  to the authority and after discussion Final reports are submitted..

The report should contain following items.

a. All the location wherever  field test were conducted should be plotted on GLP.

b General Geological information of site ( Topographical survey).

c.Character and Genesis of Soil.

d. Procedure of investigation and method followed for conducting the test.

e. Details of bore logs ( coordinate), RL ( reduced level) , water table, SPT ( in situ) , laboratory test etc.

f. Generalised soil profile of the strata below.

g. All the field and lab data placed in depth wise.

h.Summary of results obtained from various tests and other interpretation to evaluate various soil parameters.

i. Recommendation of foundation of different tanks.

j.Recommendation of depthe foundations for for misc. building , roads , railway sidings etc.

k.Recommendation of suitable foundation system with bearing capacity of soil.

l.Recommendation of filling materials after excavation.

m. Ultimate safe bearing capacity considering shear and settlement.

n. Recommendation of pile foundation (if necessary) including type, size and depth of pile and also
    indicate safe load in vertical ,lateral and pullout.

o. Chemical composition  of water an its effect on concrete , steel etc of the plant . Remedial measure.

p. Recommendation of CBR value for design of road, pavement etc.

q. Recommendation of soil resistivity to be considered for design purpose.

r. Recommendation of foundations after considering Pressure meter test.

s. Recommendation of ground water fluctuation . Horizontal ,vertical permeability of the land.

The above information and after discussion will contain all the logs , test sheet , calculation sheet , graph plotting etc will form a report based on which designer will design the project.

We conclude the soil investigation report and we will continue with civil basics and problem faced during construction. We are enclosing some photographs below for information only.

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