Friday 21 December 2012


Continued from previous day on the above subject " Land for thermal power station ".

Site is chosen such a way that chimneys of power plants does not fall within the approach funnel of the runway of the nearest platform. Chimney height has  already been standardised  by GOI according to unit size . Minimum that height to be followed.The same will be elaborated at the appropriate time.

Site should be at least 500M away from flood zone of river system 

-Location of sites are avoided near ( at least 10 km away from ) archaeological , historical ,historical ,cultural /religious/tourist importance and defence installation.

-Forest and prime agricultural are avoided for thermal power or ash disposal.

All the new TPP industrial projects including R & M  require prior environmental  clearance as per the norms of GOI ( Govt of India ) . The projects are classified as below.

- Category A. - All projects above 500MW ( fuel -coal,lignite,naptha, Gas etc) 
                       - All projects above 50MW ( pet Coke, diesel and all other fuels)

- Category B  - All projects less than or equal 500 MW on above fuel
                        -  All projects less than or equal 50MW but greater than 05 
                           MW( Pet coke ,diesel and all other fuels.)

Guide lines and norms publicised by Agency of GOI.

Land requirement for large capacity power house for the main power plant is about 0.2 sq km  / 100 MW. (approximately) without water reservoir , housing and ash ponds.

The land for housing is 0.4sq km for the entire project .

Land for ash pond is 0.2 sq km /100 MW considering 50% ash utilisation and also above 40% to 45% ash contain in the coal.

Water requirement is about 40 cusecs per 1000 MW.  
 continued to pg 5.                       


  1. What is the land requirement in case of Gas Fired Power PLants?

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