Thursday 20 December 2012



Site selection for coal based thermal power station is very important job. It needs number of important criteria to be considered before arriving into a conclusion. It requires clearance from GOI ministries such as Ministry of Power, Ministry of water resources, Ministry of  endearment and Forest , Ministry of Coal etc to get the location approved.
Before we move to the selected topic we should understand the life cycle of the project and few process. Every project is unique because of variation but process it pass through is common . Those macro process are listed below.
1. Project Concept :- When project is conceptual stage ,
2 Pre- feasibility study :- Whether concept is feasible or not .There may be changes after conceptual
                                          stage to make the project feasible.
3. Feasibility study:- That is after made all the changes and incorporating all the inputs from different
                                  group a feasibility report attaching all the relevant documents required as per
                                  norms of GOI ( GOVT. OF INDIA) feasibility report has been prepared and
                                  distributed to concerned authorities for acceptance.
4. Design ,Engineering, procurement and manufacturing:- In this stage simultaneously all the 
                                                                                              activities start .
5. Implementation of Project:- At this  stage construction , erection and commissioning  activities 
                                                  start . The blog  is now being written for those people but all the back
                                                -ground is given to understand the project implementation totally.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation :- After  completion of the project evaluation has been done to do the
                                                    variance analysis with concept/feasibility/design regarding 
                                                     financial parameters and technical parameters.
Our topic "location" belongs to process 1.     
As per the Guidance provided by Ministry of Enviorment and Forest, building of thermal should be  build at least 25 to 30 KM away from outer  periphery of the following places.
1. Metropolitan cities.
2. Wildlife sanctuaries. Open Zoos, National forest, Bird Sanctuaries etc.
3. Ecological  sensitive area, lakes , coastal area having coral plants.

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