Saturday 22 December 2012

Continued from page -4.

Till date we have discussed about the major criteria about finalisation  of location of thermal power station in

India. Those criteria  are very basics and observed that it depends mostly on EIA ( ENVOIRNMENTAL

IMPACT ASSESSMENT)  studies  of the locations and other important issues. Land is disputable

commodity in INDIA now a days . Recently it is news  that a dispute has arisen between two Public Sector

undertakings about the location of 1980 MW super thermal power station. After completion of all other

studies it has been alleged that plant is coming over the coal  reserve of that place hence it was opposed  by

coal ministry. That project is now in suspended animation but considerable amount was spent for developing

the project. Such type of mistake could have been avoided and project could have been started in time. I

like to know the basic norms of other developing countries like USA, UK , GERMANY ,FRANCE, etc

Also for the developing countries like CHINA , MALAYSIA, PAKISTAN etc. Readers may help in this .

continued to page-6

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