Monday 4 February 2013


Foundation of steam Generator under progress. This is last lift of the foundation where all the foundation bolts are placed temporarily. Engineers are checking the same with the help of Total Stations so that bolts can  be  locked with the template before pouring of concrete.

Series of foundations are shown here . This includes raft ,pile cap and final lift of foundations including placement of foundation bolts. Concrete blocks shown in the pictures are for pile load testing. Some of the unbroken piles are also seen here.

This is a picture of TG bay inside power house on early day of construction On the above all main power TG Deck supporting structures for Turbine and Generator auxiliaries will come to existence.

Completed foundation at TG Bay is shown. Preparation of removing shuttering is under progress. Pocket cleaning and final dressing under progress before offering to mechanical sub vendor for final checking and erection of equipment.

Fuel oil ( LDO or HFO) tank erection under progress. Please see the foundation retainer wall .

During last write up we have mentioned about different testing and sampling to be done  as per  Field Quality Plan. Frequency of sampling and testing of some of the major ingredients are given below.

Frequency of sampling and testing

Grain Size  Analysis                                              One in every 2000cu.m /type/source     IS 2720

Shrinkage Limit & Free Swell index                     One in every 5000cu.m /type/source     IS 2720

Organic matter, Calcium Carbonate, PH etc          One in every 5000cu.m /type/source     IS 2720

Standard Proctor test , Moisture content of fill     One in every 2000cu.m /type/source     IS 2720

Dry density and Permeability Test                         Random Test 

Coarse Aggregate 

Particle Size and Shape ,Moisture Content           One in every 100cu.m /type/source  IS2836

Specific gra­vity , density, voids, absorp­tion                     Once in 12 weeks /source                    IS2836

Flakiness and petrographic examinations              Once in 12 weeks /source                IS2836

others ,soundness ,Reaction with alkali etc                        Random.

                         ( Acceptance criteria will be governed by IS383.)

Fine Aggregate /Sand 

Particle Size and Shape                                      One in every 100cu.m /type/source     IS2836

Specific gra­vity , density, voids, absorp­tion ,
Soundness and petrographic Examination,
Mortar making Properties , Reaction with
Alkali,.                                                               Once in 12 weeks /source                IS2836

Bulkage , Moisture Content (Routine test)         Every day                                        IS 2836


Setting Time , Comprehensive strength , Fineness  One sample from each Batch      IS 4031


Harmful substances, pH value, initial
setting time, compressive strength.                 Once in a month/source        IS 456


Slump and compaction Factor     One Sample/2hr / mixing plant     IS 1199 & IS456

Crushing Strength                                      IS 456                                IS 516

Water Cement Ratio , Cement content       Random                              IS 1199 

Thus we have completed our discussion on civil job of thermal Power station. If posted all 

queries will be answered . However please refrain from advertising product on blog. From

next writing we will discuss about the structural work of the power station.

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