Friday 1 February 2013


Now we will discuss the common  Field Quality Plan  for Civil work .

- Classification of checks like A,B,C and D  depends on the importance of the activity . Most important activity which need vendor signature , consultant signature and customer signature is termed as A. B is slightly less important therefore may be or may not be require the presence of customer. Like that it goes up to D or more. All this  classification of checks should be discussed and finalised  before the start of work.

- Type of checks can be classified  as R = record verification , V = Visual , M = measurement , P = Physical , T =Test

Following are few items  subjects to field quality checks . These are samples only. There are many more items will be under FQP's  purview. 

  i)             Bricks
ii)             Earth Work
iii)            Cement
iv)           Fine Aggregate (Sand)
v)             Course Aggregate
vi)           Reinforcing Steel
vii)          Water
viii)         Form Work (Shuttering)
  ix)         Concreting
There are number of items which comes under FQP in civil work.

Area of Work :  Civil works              Sub System of Civil works : Bricks ; Activities : Construction                 Description         toc         instrument   class        Ref. doc   frequency   format

1.0     Ensure that the bricks are 
          free from cracks, war page
          and of uniform colour.          V                                    B            IS codes     1:10000       protocol

1.1      Check for the dimension, 
          Check for bond / closers 
          thickness of joints in masonry,
          Line, level and plumb,          M   Tape ,spirit level       B           IS codes     1: 10000      Protocol

1.2     Compressive strength & 
          water absorption                   M    laboratory                B           IS codes     1:10000       Protocol

Earth work ( excavation , filling ,compaction etc)      

2.0    Standard Proctor Test           M   Laboratory                A            IS codes      Note 1        Protocol

2.1     Relative Density Index          M   Laboratory                A            IS codes      Note 1        Protocol

2.2    Dry Density by Core Cutter
        Method / Sand Displacement
        Method                                  M   Laboratory                A            IS codes      Note 1        Protocol

2.3   Moisture Content of Fill
       before Compaction                  M   Laboratory                A            IS codes      Note 1        Protocol

2.4  Dry density by Proctor
       Needle Penetration                  M   Laboratory                A            IS codes      Note 1        Protocol


3.0  a)  Consistency of cement       M   Laboratory                A            IS codes      Note 2        Protocol  

Initial and final setting time    (vicat needle)

Compressive strength              (testing m/c)

  3days & 7 days

 4.0 Sand  ( Types of Test carried out on sand before acceptance )

a)      Silt & Clay content    M   Laboratory             A            IS codes      Note 3        Protocol  
b)     Sieve analysis (Particle size and shape)
c)      Bulking of sand
d)     Specific gravity, density, voids & absorption
e)      Moisture content
f)      Deleterious materials
g)      Petrographic examination
h)     Soundness
 i)  Reaction with Alkali :
 Mortar making properties 

5.0 Coarse Aggregate  (Types of test carried out on coarse aggregate  before acceptance.

a)      Sieve Analysis (Particle Size and Shape)
b)     Moisture content
c)      Specific gravity
d)     Crushing Strength
e)      Bulk density
f)      Absorption value, Abrasion value & Impact Value
g)      Voids
h)     Soundness
i)       Reaction with Alkali
j)       Petrographic examination
k)     Deleterious materials
l)       Temperature Cycle test
m)    Flakiness
The above tests are carried out site Laboratory as per IS codes mentioned in the FQP ,measured and protocol ed .

For actual work tests mentioned in the FQP to be followed strictly. FQP mentioned above  is only for example.






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