Thursday 28 February 2013


The economiser outlet links are taken form the ends of header and they join to form a single lead.

Just before  these join the Furnace Inlet headers on left and right side, they are again bifurcated. 

As there is no Drum in once through design the feed water after economiser directly enters the

Furnace wall system  / evaporators.

Details of Economiser System

Description                   No off       Size         thickness         Matl. Spec    Design Pr.  Design/temp
                                                                                                                      kg/cm.sq     deg. C

Eco inlet link                    1             457.2       55.5                 SA 106 C      306            293.7   

Eco. inlet header               1             457.2       79.4                 SA106  C      301            321.7

Eco  Coils                       812           44.5          8                      SA210 C       301           358.6

Eco Outlet header             1             508          101.6                SA 335 P22   297.9        375.6

Eco outlet link                  2             508           71.6                 SA106 C        297.9        348.8 

Total Pressure drop calculated in economiser system is around 5.5 kg/cm. sq.

Total Pressure drop calculated in evaporator system  is around  14.4 kg/cm.sq.

Total design Pressure calculated is = 1.05 x working pressure.

 Pressure Parts design should be in line with IBR ( Indians Boiler Regulation )

 There should be provision of Erosion and thinning allowance of  1.00 mm and 10% respectively.

- Above drawing shows the position of ECO coils , headers etc in the system. Economiser

erection will be done after RH coil , 2nd Pass roof erection . The same will be explained 

at a later stage.

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Wednesday 27 February 2013


We have completed the discussion about structural erection of Boiler  in brief. Please note

erection strategy  to finalised before starting of erection. This will give control over cost

and time. Interface with civil work will be there but it should minimum . The whole planning

should be discussed amongst the team for setting priority. Structural member where ever

possible should be pre-assembled on ground . This will help us to reduce number   of lift to

performed. It is  sign of Good erection if we complete all the platform work including

hand railing. Once we complete the structural erection of roof and aligned the girder , WB

and rolled beam etc .then we are ready for Pressure Part erection. Before we discuss about

the erection sequence a brief description of Pressure Parts for a 660 MW boiler with MNC

design ( as Indian manufacturer does not have the technology) is given below. It has been

seen that for Pressure Parts the weight of  component of Indo-American company and the 

Chinese company is more or less same . However  one can compare the same system wise

a conclusion can be drawn.

Before we start explaining let us add some photos to understand how pressure parts look like.

The above picture shows that pressure parts components are hanged by suspension rod from

rolled beam of roof structure. 

The above picture shows the erection of separator and collector vessel and their interconnection

piping. In super critical boiler there is no drum instead we have separator vessel.


PPA ( Pressure Parts arrangements)

The pressure part system of once through units consist of the following.

a. Economiser System

b. Furnace System.

c. Start up system ( new and different from sub critical unit)

d. Super heater System.

e. Re heater System.

A.  Economiser System

The economiser is plain tube inland type and made of carbon steel tubing. The numbers of 

elements are 04 nos in the project we have worked for. There are two banks of economiser.

The coils are supported by hanger tubes  The economiser inlet headers and outlet headers

are positioned inside the flue gas path.

(to be continued)

Monday 25 February 2013


We are discussing about structural erection of 660 MW boiler and its sequence . Therefore it is

felt prudent to provide some more data we found relevant for the topic.

- Size of ceiling girders we used for the plant.

-Pre-assembly welding etc were discussed earlier. But this will give an idea about weight to be

lifted from ground to top of the 7th tier column.

- We will give the approximately time taken to accomplish the task  in a sequential manner.

We have given an erection program suits to Indian manufacturer. It seen that around 120 days to

140 days are the cycle time up to 7th tier erection of column and readiness of C.G lifting. Total

Cycle of CG lifting is around 75 days including erection of WB , RB , S17 column and associated

Bracing ( Horizontal and Diagonal). Girder erection should start around 110 days after the first

column erection. It should move sequentially by completing one by one girder.

- Platform and members of MBL ( small members ) erection to start after one month of Erection


- Once we complete all the ceiling Girders we start erecting central columns and its members

  so that we will be ready for pressure parts  erection.

- Also we start the erection Air Heaters columns on the rear side and getting ready for Air

   heater erection. This structural erection with all platforms will take two months from the

   starting of first Air heater column.

- Before start of erection column the area is being used for feed material into the cavity. Once

  we start erecting Air heater column then approach should be opened between two foundations

 of FD Fan.

- It is preferable to erect ECO handling structure in this juncture other wise there will be approach

  problem for top tier erection with heavy duty crane .

-Beside boiler structure one independent area for structural work is between ESP outlet to Chimney

inlet flange . Inside chimney up to nearly 34 M height. This area  should be started as early as 

possible because  lot of structural work is there and it will open the front for ducting.

- Boiler Outlet flange to ESP inlet structural work starting depends on completion of Air

  heater heavy lifting , Boiler outlet flange lifting , Erection of FD fan silencer , ECO 

handling structure erection and erection of ESP inlet flange. This is very critical area 

because it has interface with CHP and coal conveyor gallery , LP piping , Cabling etc. 

- Following electrodes are used for structural erection.

a. E6013 - Rutile electrodes for mild steel and low carbon steel.

b. E6027 - Rutile electrodes for deep penetration and high deposition.

c. E7016 - Low hydrogen Electrodes  for thick section structural steel.

Depends on applications these electrodes are used . There are many companies in INDIA 

who are manufacturing the same .

from next submission we will discuss about Pressure part erection.

Friday 22 February 2013


We are now discuss about the erection strategy and sequence of erection of Boiler Structure.

Quantity of structural steel differs manufacturer to manufacturer. Indian manufacturer indicates

the tonnage of a 660 MW boiler structure is around 14,600 MT ( this includes Boiler supporting

structure - 6765 MT , Auxiliary structures including platform - 4357 MT , structure beyond Boiler

and beyond ESP up to Chimney 2364 MT and other Miscellaneous interconnecting structure 1114 

MT , total 14,605 MT ). We have reasoned to believe that the Chinese Boiler manufacturer is 

using only 7000 MT instead of 11,122 MT. As both the projects are at two  different location

and using different grade of coal and also we may not be accurate in comparison of area.

It is now being established in India that the Chinese boiler's structure are light weight 

than the other manufacturer and also cost less.  

- Erection strategy depends on the total tonnage to be handled and how many critical lifts are there.

- Minimum resources required beside cranes are 1. Welding Machines 150 nos 2. Electric winches

 03 T , 5 T and 10 MT  around 15 nos.

- Impact torque wrench electrical /hydraulic operated 06 nos and manual torque wrench 02 nos.

- Elevator one number to be fitted on side of the Boiler.

- Chain pulley block 5T ,10 T around 100 nos. Wire rope 12 mm ,19 mm around 12000 Mtrs.

- Other accessories to supplement the work of around 40 gangs for structural work.

- A small workshop containing a lathe machine , drilling machine , stand grinder etc.

-Wire rope slings as required specially slings to lift ceiling girders.

- Light weight temporary platform , safety nets , personal protective equipments etc.

- Two numbers portable compressors for blowing air.

- 28 mm or 32 mm steel plates to be laid below the heavy duty crane .

- Plan for Pre-assembly area to be made before starting of the work.

- Major pre-assembly done for structural are columns , MBL , diagonal bracing , cross bracing,

 a few platforms , landing platforms , ceiling girder ( inside cavity) ,roof structure , Silencer

structures , Crown plates ( pressure parts)  etc.

- We will discuss later on the area requirement of Pressure parts pre-assembly , ducting pre

assembly .

-All the above requirements are to be kept in mind before finalise the strategy.

To he above picture will shows the area required for Pre-assembly. Major Pre-assembly is to be

done either inside cavity ( for ceiling Girder) or very near to the boiler to avoid double handling

of the heavy structure . It is to be understood that number of cranes will running in that area .

With proper planning all the cranes can be utilised properly .

The picture shows the access area of heavy duty cranes like 600 MT ,250 MT ,120 MT cranes.

The yellow circle  shows the movement of 600 MT crane during ceiling girder  erection. The

will lift girder one by one along with WB ,RB and roof structure ( If available). Pink circle

shows that we require crane at that place time to time  on initial phase of the project site.

- A few pictures have been added to show the boiler erection under progress under different


- Ist tier of the columns will be erected first with horizontal bracing . columns are aligned and

  go for the next tire. Like that we go up to 7th tier. It will be prudent to erect the ladder with

  landing platform with hand rails at the same time. Some of the diagonal bracing will be left

  to create a clear passage to wards the cavity.

- All the central column will be erected afterwards because of approach of 600 MT crane

  for Ceiling Girder lifting.

- We erect our boiler as U i.e starting from one corner to the other corner and completing

  boiler front ( i.e. first pass area) . We close the box when all the ceiling girder are lifted.

- There are different methods of erection by using bigger crane and kept both sides of the

  boiler . There restriction of central column and Ceiling Girder pre-assembly will not be

  constraint. It is heard that Chinese manufacturer preferred tower crane and crawler crane


(To Be continued.

Thursday 21 February 2013


In last submission we have discussed about the secondary grouting of columns and equipment.

Structural erection can be divided into three part 1. Main Boiler 2. From boiler outlet flange 

to ESP inlet 3. ESP outlet to chimney inlet. 4. Miscellaneous structure interconnection , roof

structures , elevator structures etc. Common processes followed for these structures are given


- Foundation checking elevation , spacing , diagonals etc w.r.t boiler axis.

- Pitch distance mapping on foundation bolts on both axis and their diagonals .

- Sweep , camber checking of column and pre-assembly of column if required.

- Completion of boxes with  Main Brace Level ( MBL ).

- HSFG bolt torque tightening and secondary grouting.

- Alignment and welding checking at every stage.  

- Availability of WPS , PQR and NDE schedules.

- MPI to be carried out if the structural member thickness is > 32 mm.

- MPI / LPI test on finished weld < 25 mm.

A few protocol sheet is attached herewith for reference.

Above photo is structural portion of ESP outlet flange to chimney

- Sequence of erection plays important part of the structural erection . The same will be discussed 

in the next submission.

Wednesday 20 February 2013


We have covered the topic of Bolting in structures and one more important activity to be done to

all columns , equipment foundations ( static /rotating)  is secondary Grouting . The process of 

doing the same is given below. 

-The surface of the foundation shall be dressed up to required level before placement of column.

- Top 25 mm  /loose concrete should be chipped of  and cleaned.

- If necessary grove is to be made on the foundation for placing packer plate.

-  The grouting cement shall have high strength having minimum compressive strength.

-  The value is 50 to 60 N/mm2 at 28 days.

- The grout shall be  chloride free, cement based ,non-metallic , free flowing Grout.

- The Grout shall have good flow ability even at very low water/ grout powder ratio.

- The Grout shall have characteristics of controlled expansion to be able to occupy 

   its original volume to fill the voids and to compensate for shrinkage.

- Grout shall be of pre-mix variety so that only water needs to be added before use. 

- After the base has been prepared, its alignment and level has been checked and approved

  and before actually placing the grout, a low dam shall be set around the base at a distance

  that will permit pouring and manipulation of the grout. The height of such dam shall be
  at least 25mm above the bottom of the base. Suitable size and number of chains shall

  be introduced under the base before placing the grout, so that such chains can be moved

  back & forth to push the grout into every part of the space under the base.

- The top surface pocket of the bolts etc was cleaned with water .

- The surface was then cleaned with compressed air to remove any presence of water in the pocket.

- The grout shall be poured either through grout holes if provided or shall be poured at

 one side or at two adjacent sides to make the grout move in a solid mass under the base

 and out in the opposite side. Pouring shall be continued until the entire space below

 the base is thoroughly filled and the grout stands at least 25 mm higher all around than

 the bottom of the base. Enough care should be taken to avoid any air or water pockets

 beneath the bases.

- There are few suppliers in INDIA who are supplying ready mix concrete in 25 kgs bag.

- The suppliers are  FOSROC ( CONBEXTRA GP 1 OR GP 2) , ACC ( SIKKA ) 


- It is all time better for grouting critical area manufacturer's representative should be 

  present at site during grouting and taking sample for cube test.

- The columns is to be loaded before grouting so that there is no deviation from initial data.

Above picture show the secondary Grouting of Turbine pedestal . Form work is seen in the picture .

Already grouting has been completed.

Concrete pouring through mechanical mixture machine under progress.

Inspection on  grouting is still under progress. Types of RMC used (Pagel)

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Tuesday 19 February 2013


We will be discussing about the bolting structures in Steam Generation .

Most of the structures erected for Boiler is either welded or bolted . Some of the company

 used both as per their design. For all the bolted structure HSFG bolts are used . HSFG

 stands for High strength Friction Grip bolts . The specification and use of such bolts are

 explained in IS 3757 - 1985 and IS 4000 - 1992. However we will give only the information

 required at site . 

-The most commonly used ordinary bolts are 4.8 grade   

- The most commonly used High strength is 8.8 Precision bolts.

- High strength bolts used in INDIA is 8.8S and 10.9 and 10.9S..

- The grade and manufactured name are embossed on the head of the bolt.

- Generally we use M16 , M20 and M24 of various length.

- As a thumb rule after tightening of the bolt at least 10mm length protruded outside nut.

- These bolts are used for column to column connection , bracing connection , gusset plate etc.

- The bolts are hand tighten at first. Then these bolts are tightened by electric or pneumatic

  torque wrench . The value can be obtained for IS codes mentioned above.

-  Finally calibrated manual torque wrench is being used to check the tightening in citu 

   by sampling method.

- There is also other method where HSFG bolts quantities are very less. The same is called

   half turn method . The same has been explained in the IS Code.

- Colour coding is used to identify bolts to be torque tightened , already torquing done 

  and after torquing checking is also completed. This will give us status of torquing at a


- HSFG bolts are much costlier than ordinary 4.8 and 8.8 precision bolts.

- Bolt once torque tightened can not be used  for the same purposes.

Above picture shows the erection of bracing in steam generation. Wherever HSFG bolts are used

are shown in the picture. Column bolting also can be seen in the picture.

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Thursday 14 February 2013


Few more pictures added for ceiling Girder NDE area for reader's Knowledge.

Pictures shows the mounting of heating coil and thermocouples over the joints web and flanges.

                                                Stress releiving Chart ( Typical ) only for a joint

Ceiling Girder NDE inspection contains two part one is Radiography and other Part is Ultrasonic 

testing . The thickness of the is 32 mm in web and 115 mm in flanges. Radiography for such 

heavy thickness is very difficult and only can be done by source of cobalt -60. Otherwise all 

material up to 50 mm to 60 mm the source used is Iridium 92. To get cobalt -60 in India is 

very difficult and also it needs stringent safety measure at site. Every where now the same is

avoided and Ultrasonic testing method has been adopted. Some places for surface defects Dye

penetration test has been carried out.

Once all the NDE testing is carried out and accepted by competent authority then other works

begin. Both side pin connection to be fitted after doing necessary blue matching. Temporary 

platforms ,ladders hand railing were put. Some roof structure post was also welded on the top

of the Girder. All temporary supports are removed and girder will be ready for lifting . Crane 

will be placed inside the cavity at appropriate radius .

Above picture shows the erection of ceiling Girder under progress .

It concludes the ceiling Girder portion of the structural erection . We will discuss bolting and

secondary grouting from next submission onwards.

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Wednesday 13 February 2013


 Above picture shows asketch diagram showing the position of individual Girder piece assembled

for welding . It is also showing that number of concrete blocks required for bottom support.

Over hang portion has been kept for pre- assembly of upper part of pin connection ( connection

between Girder and top tier of the column.

The above picture is showing the sequence of welding to be carried out  in the girder . 04 welders

are to be employed for the job and start welding as per the drawing.

to be continued to part VII

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Tuesday 12 February 2013


Above picture shows the position of ceiling girders on boiler Top with welded beam connected position.

Picture showing ceiling girders getting assembled at ground floor for welding. Supporting of ceiling

girders is needed to avoid distortion during welding.

Ceiling Girders  02 nos are placed  inside the cavity

after taking support from Boiler columns . Two nos

each are positioned both sides and two numbers are

near front cavity. Postioning of ceiling Girder should

made carefully otherwise crane and material move

 -ment will be big problem. If this is not followed

carefully then we may have to do fabrication of

ceiling Girder outside cavity.

Ceiling Girder fabrication

under progress. The details

C.G will be given in next


contd to page VI


Structural erection of steam Generator /boiler can be divided into few parts according to the importance .

a. Preparation of soil inside the cavity for heavy duty crane movement  in spite of columns located 

inside the cavity. 

b. Secondary grouting of the columns  by  ready mix concrete.

c.  Procedure of torque tightening of HSFG bolts .

d. Most important item is fabrication and erection of Ceiling Girders . This is heaviest structural items

 to be lifted at site. 

e. Structural items like beam ,bracing , welded beams ,rolled beams , angles ,channel , fabricated piece

etc are erected as per drawing as routine erection but a planning needs to be done before hand so that

clear passage to be kept at ground level so that crane can move inside and also passage to be made 

for pressure parts material movement. It may require a few bracing to be kept on hold for erection.

The above picture shows a heavy duty crane is standing on platform . Platforms are made to size by 

20 mm steel plates and ISMC 100/ISMC 150 channel. These platforms made such a way that crawler

of the crane can stand on it. Platforms can be easily removed from one place to another while the 

crane is on move. In some place 12" square and 10' -12' long  wooden logs are used instead of steel 

platform. However  arranging wooden logs  is very difficult now a days therefore every body tries to

make steel platforms. The soil need to be compacted by running roller if required boulder pitching

has to be carried out. Laying of platform should be done such a way that there should not be any

load on the foundation columns located inside the cavity. This can be understood if some one can

looked into the boiler plan given on earlier submission. Any heavy duty crane of 600 MT or 1200 MT

needs to stand  firmly on platform within a limit of undulation . Crane manufacturer set half a degree

is the max limit. A crane sizing ( capacity) depends on lifting of ceiling girder ( heaviest one ) to 

required height. In our 660 MW we choose 600 MT Manitowac crane with luffing jib at 67 M and 

jib can lift the heaviest girder. This was done to keep in mind the erection of welded beams , rolled 

beams and roof structure including the silencers. Our erection method i.e erecting boiler structure

from the cavity does not suit the heavy lift crane with super lift arrangement as crane will not have

radius to move. Above picture shows the crane platform from other angle.

we will discuss secondary grouting of columns and HSFG bolting at the end.

We will now discuss about the ceiling Girder fabrication and erection.

The limits set out for ceiling Girder pre-fabrication is given below.

- Root gap at the erection joint of the ceiling Girder. Flange 4 mm to 6 mm , web 6 to 10 mm.

- Camber and sweep of individual ceiling girder 1 mm/ M , max. 15 mm

- Assembled ceiling girders for sweep and camber  1 mm / M max 15 mm.

- Position of Bottom bolt hole with reference to centre of the ceiling girder  + /- 3 mm

- Spacing between adjacent ceiling girder +/- 5 mm ( taken during Girder alignment)

- Diagonal difference between to adjacent girders is  25 mm Max .

-ceiling girders centre line variation w.r.t. Boiler axis  12 mm Max.

continued to part-v

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