Thursday 28 February 2013


The economiser outlet links are taken form the ends of header and they join to form a single lead.

Just before  these join the Furnace Inlet headers on left and right side, they are again bifurcated. 

As there is no Drum in once through design the feed water after economiser directly enters the

Furnace wall system  / evaporators.

Details of Economiser System

Description                   No off       Size         thickness         Matl. Spec    Design Pr.  Design/temp
                                                                                                                      kg/cm.sq     deg. C

Eco inlet link                    1             457.2       55.5                 SA 106 C      306            293.7   

Eco. inlet header               1             457.2       79.4                 SA106  C      301            321.7

Eco  Coils                       812           44.5          8                      SA210 C       301           358.6

Eco Outlet header             1             508          101.6                SA 335 P22   297.9        375.6

Eco outlet link                  2             508           71.6                 SA106 C        297.9        348.8 

Total Pressure drop calculated in economiser system is around 5.5 kg/cm. sq.

Total Pressure drop calculated in evaporator system  is around  14.4 kg/cm.sq.

Total design Pressure calculated is = 1.05 x working pressure.

 Pressure Parts design should be in line with IBR ( Indians Boiler Regulation )

 There should be provision of Erosion and thinning allowance of  1.00 mm and 10% respectively.

- Above drawing shows the position of ECO coils , headers etc in the system. Economiser

erection will be done after RH coil , 2nd Pass roof erection . The same will be explained 

at a later stage.

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