Thursday 21 February 2013


In last submission we have discussed about the secondary grouting of columns and equipment.

Structural erection can be divided into three part 1. Main Boiler 2. From boiler outlet flange 

to ESP inlet 3. ESP outlet to chimney inlet. 4. Miscellaneous structure interconnection , roof

structures , elevator structures etc. Common processes followed for these structures are given


- Foundation checking elevation , spacing , diagonals etc w.r.t boiler axis.

- Pitch distance mapping on foundation bolts on both axis and their diagonals .

- Sweep , camber checking of column and pre-assembly of column if required.

- Completion of boxes with  Main Brace Level ( MBL ).

- HSFG bolt torque tightening and secondary grouting.

- Alignment and welding checking at every stage.  

- Availability of WPS , PQR and NDE schedules.

- MPI to be carried out if the structural member thickness is > 32 mm.

- MPI / LPI test on finished weld < 25 mm.

A few protocol sheet is attached herewith for reference.

Above photo is structural portion of ESP outlet flange to chimney

- Sequence of erection plays important part of the structural erection . The same will be discussed 

in the next submission.

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