Sunday 24 April 2016


Part I  i have discussed about the heaters ,coolers heat exchangers etc. In this blog I will discuss about the erection of  

On erection point of view erection of  De aerator needs detail planning and equipment for erection .De aerator consist of  de aerator and FEED STORAGE TANK. De aerator is in one assembled unit and FST consist of three units pre fabricated but 

not assembled. Once assembled it becomes a very big round shaped
drum/ tank .There are other accessories also like platform around de aerator , saddle at the bottom of FST as such FST rests on it , stand pipes for level measurement ,misc pipe connection, misc structural items etc. Two dished ends are welded with respective pieces. This De aerator need to be lifted on 37M floor CD bay structure.

Approach to CD can be achieved from end only. If there is one unit then approach any one end will serve the purpose. If there is two unit then approach will be required from both the sides. If there is 03 units the approach from middle is required.
Minimum crane capacity required is 250 MT with adequate length of boom. You may have to remove a few member of roof structure
to accommodate the boom length and the angle. 

If you are having luxury 600MT/1200 MT cranes then you place your crane away from CD bay end but still you may have to remove some of the  roof structure for lifting FST and De aerator.
But having 600MT/1200MT will cost you more.

A 5T electric winch and 50 M pair of rail CR100 will be required to lay on the floor for dragging of FST. One end of the FST is lifted first and placed on the rail then dragged it to its position . Middle piece and de aerators are trial assembled at he bottom and then dismantled .This is done to avoid any mismatching during lifting at a height.2nd piece then lifted and locked temporarily on the floor . De aerator is then lifted and placed on the 2nd piece and bolted securely. Assembly was dragged into position by winch. Then third pieces were lifted.  

Different stages of FST erection shown in the above pictures.

1 comment:

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