Monday 31 March 2014


Part –IV

Once all the physical checks are over and shuttering has been removed then we can proceed for Ultrasonic Testing of foundation. This procedure is not followed in India at the beginning but if there is problem in casting then this is the only way to find out honeycomb in the concrete. But I strongly feel that such testing to be done at the very beginning and before the start of Mechanical Erection. In most of the cases civil works comes under the scope of customer and mechanical works are done by some other vendor. When problem arise at later date then it is very difficult to analyse the problem due to lack of scientific data . If ultrasonic test is carried out and found acceptable then one major side can be eliminated.  


Foundation are to be cleaned and loose concrete are to be chipped off.

Maintain elevation of foundation to ensure correct thickness of non-shrink grout.
A reference point for elevation in respect of machine centre line (equivalent to LP rear pedestal) is

to be maintained at a proper place. This point is to be preserved with proper protection. For making

reference point a one side ground plate of about 200 x300 x20 mm  may be used. This may be welded on a I-beam near Generator. The ground position of the plate is to be kept on top side and all elevation are to be transferred from this point with the help of water level jar or by instrument like total station, dumpy level  . A correct elevation reading is to be punched on this plate. This reference point is to be used only during the turbine erection period. (this is an alternative procedure earlier discussed)

Clean and de burr piping sleeves of the foundation on ID/OD of the pipe.

Ensure all corners of the foundation remains perfect during chipping of extra concrete of foundation.


Open the package and clean the pedestal.

Ensure there is no paint/oil/grease  on bottom face of the pedestal sole plate.

Ensure there is no paint on inside surface or the pedestal and if required sand blasting may be carried out at site.

Ensure correct fitting/clearance of locating rings of LP rear pedestal.
The half bore error of pedestals is punched by manufacturing unit however in case it is not there,

measure and punch half bore error of pedestal in left/right side of the pedestal. If the error is nil then this may be punched as zero-zero.

Ensure that the pedestal parting plane is feeler tight after tightening all the parting plane bolts. If required, colour matching may be carried out but scraping/cutting is to be done on upper half cover only.

Check proper colour contact of spherical/cylindrical supports of the bearing with the pedestal.

Check contact between spherical Torus piece of bearing and spherical/cylindrical seat. In case of any variation in contact no scraping/cutting to be carried out at site and this may be referred to manufacturing unit. Check centreing of individual bearing w.r.t. pedestal seal bores by fixing piano wire as stated earlier.

Ensure cleanliness of all pedestal oil lines. Close opening of oil lines of pedestal to avoid any foreign material entering in these pipe lines during erection at site.

Weld MOP suction and discharge pipe lines in HP front pedestal as per the drawing before placement.

Assemble protection sheet in the foundation bolt holes of pedestals.
Assemble anchor bolts along with anchor plate of the pedestals. Ensure that there is good contact

available to the backing plate with the foundation. If required colour matching/grinding may be carried out to achieve the contact.

Assemble protection sheet in the anchor bolt hole from bottom side of HP rear pedestal foundation to avoid entry of grout metal.

Ensure level of both anchor plate of H.P. rear pedestal with 70-90 mm gap for filling of grouting concrete.

Adjust height of the Anchor Bolts as specified in the drawing.
Picture of placement of Bearing pedestal for 660MW turbine.

Picture of recently finished TG deck and turbine hall.
continued to Part-v


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