Monday 16 December 2013


Pre-commissioning Check List/activity to be carried out
Check the erection protocol /log sheet for foundation bolt tightness , clearance with respect to
impeller hubs ,blades casing etc.

Check fan shaft level , check the coupling arrangement , Different gaps measurement in protocol etc.
Check the calibration of power cylinder for blade pitches etc.
Once all the protocol checks are over then check the connection of water line and oil line at different

Check the inlet /outlet duct position immediately before and after fan.
Check the commissioning of outlet dampers and inlet guide vanes.
Check the freeness of the rotor by hand before connecting to the motor.
Remove all temporary supports from inside the duct which comes under the flow path of fan
Agencies working in the boiler area / associated ducting system are informed about the test / cleared
from the test area (As per the actual requirement). Specially for the first time otherwise dust storm
can put any body into trouble .
All loose materials around the fan area are cleared.
Required approach stair cases, platforms and hand rails are erected prior to testing.
Erection of the following are completed.
Lube oil system
All the lube oil control oil pipe lines erected ,cleaned and flush as per procedure (acid cleaning)
described in my earlier blog 
DM.C.W lines for HT motors and oil coolers
Suction and discharge duct and their connection with fan.
L.T./H.T switch gears required for the fan.
Fan casing, Suction / Discharge ducts are cleared off men & temporary materials.
All permanent supports and guides of fan & duct  are erected.
All local  instrumentation of lube-oil system, motor and fan are erected. (Required list to be prepared
at site) )Pressure and temperature indicators are duly calibrated)
Remote indication at control room are made available (List to be prepared at site)
Recommended Blade pitch operation (for FD & PA fan) and inlet damper operation for ID fan)
verified at local and the same ensured from remote for correct opening / closing with respect to
position indicator at local and remote. Free movement of Blades & inlet dampers are ensured.
ACW lines are flushed and connected to the respective inlet points.
 ACW inlet / outlet connections to ID fan sleeve bearings are connected as per the indicated
 Ensure variable frequency Drive (VFD) system is made ready (In case of ID Fan for operation of the
Fan. (Refer to the procedure enclosed in Section 10.0.)
Insulation resistance of the motor measured and ensured that the values are at satisfactory level.
Final commissioning
Start lube-oil system and establish oil circulation at recommended oil pressures (Both lube-oil and
control oil, which ever is applicable)
After obtaining clearance from all agencies, start the motor in decoupled condition and check the
direction of rotation. If  direction found reverse, change the direction of rotation of the motor.
Refer to section 10.0 for details regarding checking and commissioning of VFD system. In addition
commissioning manual of VFD issued by supplier to be followed in the commissioning of VFD
Start  the motor once again and put under 8 Hrs trial run (FD and PA motors). In the case of VFD
synchronous Machine, put the machine under 4 Hrs trial through channel I and under 4 Hrs trial
through channel II.
Performance of the motor to be monitored by logging load current, vibration and temperatures of
bearings and windings, whichever applicable.
After satisfactory completion of drive trial run, drive and the fan are coupled.
Start the fan and put under 8 Hrs trial run.
Blade pitch for FD and PA fan to be at minimum before starting the fan and after starting, fan to be
slowly loaded up to around 10-15% (Exact loading of the fan to be decided at site)
For ID Fan, keeping the inlet damper at minimum, Fan started and loading to be gradually increased
to 10-15% (Exact loading of the fan to be decided at site)
During 8 Hrs trial run, Fan performance observed by logging load current, vibration, temperatures of
the bearings, parameters of lub-oil system VFD system and draft values in PA,SA and Gas circuits
covered in single fan running condition.
Following parameters are recorded every hour in log sheet.
a. Starting time . b. Closing time (i.e time taken from running to standstill). c. Vane angle
d. Current and Voltage  e. Discharge Pressure . f. Motor Winding Temp . g. Oil level leakage of
oil. h. Cooling water flow Pressure and temperature. I. Lube oil and control oil Pressure and
temperature. j. Any other observation k. Vibration on all bearings.
All the fans commissioning process is same except the duct connection to be done . For FD and
PA suction chamber with silencer head should be available and discharge goes to furnace through
For ID fan suction can be taken from ESP outlet bar or ESP can also be taken on line if ESP Air
tightness test is over . Discharge can be up to chimney. 
Above drawing shows the area to be covered during trial run. But it will be best if total ducting work
gets completed before the trial run.
 PA fan distribution up to mill including PAPH.
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  7. Портальные двери и окна – PSK-портал устанавливаются намерено для сохранения незаполненного, свободного места. Нормальные варианты окон и дверей раскрываются внутрь дома, что требует весьма значительную часть места в помещении. Технологичные конструкции позволяют избежать этой трудности, увеличить воздушный и световой поток в квартире.
    PSK-портал являются системами, которые владеют весьма большой площадью остекления. Ради открытия створок устанавливаются нижние и верхние полозья, при помощи которых устройство бесшумно и легко движется.
    Скольжение осуществляется с помощью ходовых роликов, что имеют в своем составе опору в качестве элементов армирования, которое позволяет совершенно равномерно распределять вес по по всей раме. Они дают возможность створке двери передвигаться в различных режимах (сдвига, наклона).
    Высота створки окна или двери должна быть не более 2,36 метра, а ширина створки двери может меняться от 670 мм до 1,60 метра. В зависимости от общего веса (может составлять от 100 кг до 200 кг), на параллельно-раздвижную дверь устанавливается специальная фурнитура в целях обеспечения надежного функционирования створок, роста срока использования. Ширина свободного проема может достигать 2000 мм.
    Подъемно-сдвижные порталы обладают хорошими герметичными свойствами, отличными показателями звуко-, теплоизоляции, предлагают должный уровень противовзломности, замечательно подходят для всех вариантов нынешних профилей. При сборке используют опоясывающие щеточные уплотнители, что ощутимо улучшают функционирование створок.
    Если же вы хотите оформить городскую квартиру, балкон, лоджию или большой загородный дом согласно модным тенденциям в оформлении, то фирма-производитель СВ Окна изготовит и выполнит монтаж параллельно-раздвижных окон и дверей.

  8. So good. I like that diagrammatic explanation.

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