Sunday 21 July 2013


I  have discussed about the column and bracing erection ( horizontal and

diagonal) in ESP erection Part -II. There is sizing calculation for choosing

ESP size and the same will be discussed at later date. In this dispatch we

will discuss about other structural part.


- Pre -assembly of casing intermediate column individually and as a frame.

- A pre-assembly bed is required very near to ESP preferably any side of the

  ESP as frames are very big in size but not in weight.

- Transfer the foundation centre line to the top of the bearing through base 


-Transfer the centre line from bearing bottom plate to centre line of inter

 mediate column.

- Tolerance of distance variation is +/- 5 mm.

- Start erecting casing plate one by one between two intermediate columns .

- It is preferable to start erection from centre then come to side.

- It is also preferred to erect adjacent sides of two pass first then the free end.

- Once casing erection under progress then erection of roof beam horizontal

 ( longitudinal and transverse beams ) are erected  to lock all the casing and 

making it as a box. 

- After erection checking of beams , distances and diagonal measurement

  all are welded.

- After completion of roof structure measurement are made from Gas path

  centre line and recorded.

- Start erecting emitting frame and collecting electrode frame. This is a

  repetitive job needs to be done attentively. All measurements are to done

  with reference to GPCL. 

- All measurements are recorded  for reference.

- Collecting electrode erection either through bottom or using heavy duty

  crane from top that is roof. Both  process are having advantage and 

  disadvantages. If we don from the top progress will be more but we require

  deployment of 250MT crane exclusively for electrode erection. We also need

  a frame (sliding on rail ) to be fabricate at least for one packet of electrode 

 ( 30 nos). Its also advantage is hopper work can go simultaneously. However

  roof work will be suspended at that time. But inserting from the bottom 

  we need only a 1MT winch and nothing else . But progress will be slow.

casing erection , intermediate column erection with some roof beeam erection

under progress.

Roof erection and emitting frame erection under progress.

contd to part-iv.

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