Wednesday 6 March 2013


Spiral Wall

Introduction of Spiral wall in very new in India . This is now being used by foreign manufacturer

for Super critical boiler. From hopper, the water raises in the spiral wall system of furnace. In the

spiral wall, the slope can be any value from 13° to 20°. In case of Barh, this value is 20°. The 

spiral walls  are constructed on the concept of fin welded panels. They have stepped weld so

as to join with the other adjoining panels. The size in spiral wall chosen for Barh is 41.3mm

tubes. The material is selected as T22/ T12. The walls are provided with many openings for the 

following items:-

i) Wall blowers.

ii) LRSB.

iii) Observation Doors.

iv) APM (Acoustic Pyro Meter)

v) FMS System (Flame Monitoring System).

vi) ASLD (Acoustic Steam Leak Detector).

 Furnace Spiral Wall to Vertical Wall Transition Panels

The spiral walls on all four sides terminate below the screen and rear arch. The spiral wall terminates at 

the designated level with forged fittings. These are small individual forged elbows with Integral Fins

and are made of Alloy Steel SA182 F12 Cl.2 or SA182 F22 Cl.3. All the spiral wall fittings are welded

on the panels at shop. Similarly, there are forged fittings for the vertical wall to intermediate header

terminal tube connections. These are combined formed fittings. i.e. one fitting takes care of 3 or more

tubes. These tubes are directed by the spiral to vertical wall tube ratio. Hence, most of the vertical wall

fittings are made up for 3 Nos. of tubes except at ends when there may be variation in number of tubes.

All the forged fittings for spiral wall as well as the vertical walls are welded at the shop floor.

From this dispatch onwards we will provide more details on Spiral wall as its is absolutely new.

Construction workers ,supervisor and engineers should have an overall idea of the system.

Both type of  furnace arrangement has been shown vertical type we are using sub critical boilers

also in super critical ( with improved version of tubes) and spiral wall we are using in super critical

boiler ( the spiral wall type we worked) . As already mentioned There are two zones one is  spiral

wall up to 59+ metres and ended above burner nozzle and then transition header and vertical wall.

Tube arrangements of spiral wall in comparison to vertical wall. Inclination has already been

mentioned above. Forged fittings used for connection spiral to vertical through transition header.

Pre-assembly of spiral wall is under progress with Tension. Fixing of Tension Bar is very important

for matching of the spiral wall. Please note this matching cannot be done in situ at working place like

other vertical Wall ( Tension Bar is not there in vertical wall panel)

PS: For further information on " ABC of thermal power" click on the adjacent

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