Wednesday 27 March 2013


Following Pressure Part items are required at the beginning of starting of pre-assembly

Works. If we assume start of erection of Boiler structure is Zero date. Then these 

 materials are required at site from 5th month of structural erection. It has been observed

 that  Ceiling Girder  with Welded beams and Rolled beams erection gets completed

within six month. Completion of C.G erection is the starting date of Pressure Part erection. 

Super Heater Final spaced inlet header

Super Heater Platen inlet header

Super Heater Final spaced outlet header

Super Heater Platen outlet header

Super Heater final spaced assembly – Terminal Tube.

Super Heater Vertical Platen – Terminal Tube

Super Heater final spaced assembly – Terminal Tube

Super Heater Vertical Platen Coil -Terminal Tube

Re Heater vertical platen inlet header

Low Temperature Re Heater outlet header

Re Heater Vertical Platen outlet header

Re Heater Vertical Platen Inlet & Outlet - Terminal tubes ( L & R)

Low Temperature Re Heater Outlet terminal tubes

Following items will be required sequentially on Pre-assembly bed. This will help

to maintain pace for Pressure Part erection. Material required 2nd month onwards

are given below.

Furnace upper Rear outlet Header

Furnace front wall and side wall interim header.

Furnace spiral upper front & rear wall panels.                                                                                       

Furnace upper spiral wall panels - L & R.

Furnace screen tube and hanger tube

SH front wall outlet header.

SH Radiant wall roof panel + attachments.

SH rear roof panels left & right

Furnace vertical wall panels rear

LTRH upper coil and LTRH intermediate Coil

Furnace rear wall interim header

Furnace upper wall

SH extended side wall

LTRH inlet header

Economiser outlet header

Economiser coil assembly- outlet terminal tubes

Economiser coil assembly –upper ( L & R )

Economiser interim plain tube       (L &  R )

Furnace front ,Rear and side header.

Furnace Bottom supports

Economiser inlet header

Economiser coil assembly lower – inlet terminal tubes.(L&R)

Above materials are required at site from 2nd month to 7th month so that pre-assembly

works can be completed.

In India for a sub critical Boiler ( 500 MW) takes 09 to 11 months for readiness of drainable

Hydraulic test from start of Pressure Part erection. For other developed countires Hydraulic

test is being done for non- drainble and drainable portion. There are advantages and dis advantages

for both the system. The same will be elaborated afterwards. Materials requirement for super

critical boiler is based on 12 month cycle for drainable Hydraulic test.

To achieve this we need to start preparing pre-assembly bed from 5th month of structural erection.

At least four beds are required outside the boiler cavity and two number bed inside cavity. The

bed area should be  near to the actual space of erection with the facility of transporting 18 M 

panels ,coils , headers etc . Four numbers hydra cranes , one number 18 MT crawler crane , one

number 50 MT crawler crane to be deployed for the job at both the places. If it is possible a

temporary rail line can be laid to transport the material from  outside bed to boiler cavity area.

Therefore a proper layout plan to be prepared before start of pressure part erection. There will

be lot of space problem and conflict with other works . Few photographs are being attached .

We have not been able to establish railway line but we have achieved to create nuber of beds

for pre-assembly outside boiler .

This pre-assembly bed is inside cavity. otherwise it is impossible to transport the same from outside.

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