Tuesday 22 January 2013


We will discuss the main civil work of the power . We will try to provide you the design criteria etc the work and relevant to civil work. But before we should discuss the civil work let us understand the process on which civil work gets performed. We will discuss about the two types of project . One type is public sector owned ( central or state ) and other one is privately owned project. In both the cases owner ( either in house  or through consultant ) made the specification for civil works and eligible vendors quote for the same.
The vendor may be a public sector undertaking or a private one . In both the cases the vendors /associate are big companies with adequate resources . However they again sub let the job to lesser category vendors . It is seen that these vendors also sublet portion of the jobs to petty contractors. They are reduced to only manpower supplier using the resources of the 2nd line vendors and 2nd  line vendors are using the resources of prime vendor to execute the jobs. All these su letting only cause the quality of the job to suffer and also cause numerous administrative problem of managing the site. Government have number rules and regulation for the construction worker and all the inspection agencies descend on owner to check the records as they are principal employer . In all this fair amount of malpractice take place and the same cannot be routed totally from the system. You can understand that all the vendors including the owner have one objective i.e. complete the in time safely. But the priorites of all interested agencies are different and to bring them to one fold is not only 
difficult but some time it is felt that impossible. We are discussing here political influence and strong arm tactice . It is causing the project only harm. It is observed that most of the petty contractors are strong man of that   area so that they can arrange manpower ( specially unskilled and semiskilled). Invariably there will be mistrust between the petty contractor and actual labour working in the field regarding payment.There will be problem in execution because  of  conflict of interest. As a whole quality of work gets  beating . Who so ever control this they can control the project. Civil work still in India is labour intensive jobs . It getting mechanised slowly but badly affected due to resource crunch and absence of skilled manpower.
Project delays start from civil work . Majority of the work force who belongs to the area  within 100kms of the project knew that their wages will be stopped as soon as project work is completed. If there is oppertunities to work somewhere else they will move but majority will not move as money provided to them is not  sufficient to sustained elsewhere. Therefore there will be tendency to prolong the work as long as they can and there conflict of interest starts. There are many other reasons as this sector is called un- organised sector. This problem can only be resolved if the construction worker is having social sequirities during lay off period. The workers belong to prime vendor does not get affected with this condition as they are permanent employee of the company and governed by the permanent rules and regulation. But this ratio is 1:100 .

A  construction man should understand this as early as possible . We should now move towards the technical section . The civil work of a power plant can be divided into a few categories

A. Civil work associated with Main Package like Boiler , Turbine Generator , Power House struc-
ture etc.

B. Civil work related to chimney.

C. Civil work related to ASP , CHP and Ash Pond.

D. Misc civil works associated with BOP ( Balance of Plants) . Beside Boiler and TG all other plants required for a thermal power station is termed as chimney.

(to be continued)

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