Monday 7 January 2013


continued  from last blog.

Cooling Tower   :   Providing of cooling tower will reduce the thermal pollution and conservation of

                               fresh  water.

Ash Dyke and Ash Disposal System : Most of the modern Power stations are having wet and dry ash

system. Ash are extracted as per commitment and dispatched. lagoon with garlanding system are

being followed to changing over the ash slurry line  time to time. Ash particles settled in the lagoon

 ash and clear ash effluent was discharged.Dry ash  are being taken into bags or top opened 

container as per the arrangement envisaged during the initial stage.

Ash water recycling System.  This system was introduced a decade back and has been followed in

number of  power stations in India to reduce the intake of fresh water from other sources.

Utilisation of Dry ash :- Dry ash collected may be used for Ash bricks , For cement manufacturing

plant adjacent to thermal power plant or else where . Ash transported through  close railway wagon

Also use for road making , Mine filling , Road making etc. 
Effluent Treatment Plant :-  The objective of ETP ( Effluent Treatment Plant ) is to discharge lesser
cleaner effluent from thermal power plant. The effluent are primarily cleaned at their source and sent
ETP for treatment. ETP is designed to treat effluents from from WTP ( water treatment plant) , CHP (
coal Handling Plant) , CPU ( condensate Polishing Unit) etc.
With better awareness and management a few benefits are achieved.
- Reduction of land requirement  for main plant and ash disposal area.
- Capacity addition in old plants, within existing land.
- Reduction of water requirement in main plant and ash disposal area.
-Efficient utilisation of Fuel.



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