Friday 4 January 2013


Till last writing we have covered the applicable laws and rules for getting enviormental clearance. Those agency who will conduct such studies ( EIA) are aware of the situation and format in which the same has to submitted. To know laws and rules will be small check on them to deliver the same first time right.
While studying about envoirment effect on air and water are to be noted in that area where power station is to be located . Beside that coal handling and ash handling are to be studied as both are
potential cause of pollution. Therefore we should know the limits of ambient air and water.. We
will discuss briefly and indicate the limits stipulated by concerned agencies which are not only
Indian but international also. 
Initially , perception of objectionable effects on air pollutant were limited to those which are detectable by odour and smoke stacks. Later , due to rapid urbanisation and globalisation enviorment
becomes global issues and every developing country felt the pinch of it during world summit meeting
on enviorment . On this background effects on enviorment were revisited and few more causes were
identified as long term effect on health. It may be noted on earlier days we carry out smoke bomb test
to identify the leakage of furnace and duct by running Forced draft fan.This process was withdrawn as it is found that smoke bomb is injurious to health.
After lots of studies etc six critical pollutants are identified . Those are  sulphur-di-oxide ( SO2) ,
Carbon mono-oxide (CO) , NItrogen oxide ( NO2) , Ozone (O3) , Suspended Particulate and non
methane Hydro carbon( NMHC) . Ozone also referred to as volatile organic compounds ( VOC).
There is subtentials evidences  about their effect on health if those concentration is higher than limits.
Three of whom namely O3 , SO2 and NO2 also known as toxic to vegetation . Later Lead (Pb) was
also added in the list. Therefore agriculture Field available near by Power Station will have adverse
effect until and unless we check the pollution.
Green houses gases which are responsible for temperature enhancement cause global warming .
These gases are CO2 , CH4 ( Methane), N2O ( Nitrous  Oxide ) and  CO.

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