Thursday 27 December 2012


Till date we have discussed various aspect of land requisition and indicated the requirement as per expert committee. Final tabular form is given below.
1. Pit head/load centre stations with indian coal
SLNO     DESCRIPTION    2X500     3X660     5X660     6X660     4X800     5X800
  1.           MAIN PLANT        520          680          920         1030         940        1040
  2.           ASH DISPOSAL     250          495          825          990          800        1000
  3.       CORRIDORS MISC   220          240         250           250          250         250
  4.          TOWNSHIP              100          100         150           150          150         150 
  TOTAL AREA                      1090       1520        2145        2420         2140       2440 
2. Coastal stations with imported coals              
The area varies from  590 acre to 785 acre depends upon the criteria about coal transportation  and cooling tower. for 3x660 MW plant.
The area varies 925 acrs to 1230 acres for 5x800 MW. Area varies due to coal transportation  ( MGR or coal conveyor and with or without cooling water.  
India we have only 3x660 MW or 5X800 MW stations in India therefore data therefore some data is available . No other data is available in open market.
A situation will arise whther we can use Blended coal i.e. mixture of indigenous coal and imported coal. It is seen frequently that blended coals were used to maintain the genration and plf od the fact. Therefore 3rd option of land requirement with blended coal is also given to readers for their views. However references were drawn from the expert committee land report which was plublished in 2007 and same was reviewed recently.  To get into third option land requirment per MW is to be derived from the available data.
SLNO     DESCRIPTION       2X500       3X660       5X660       6X660       4X800       5X800
pit head  Area/mw                    1.09           0.77           0.65             0.61          0.67           0.61
coastal Area /MW varies from 0.3 to 0.4 depends againg on coal transportataion & CT.
Number assumption was made to arrive a value on Land requirement. Some of the crteria are being mentioned here. Some of the assumptions are common but some other are locality specific.
- Coal storage capacity is to be planned depending upon their location and availabilty of coal certainty.
- Type of transportatation like by Rail , MGR ( Merry Go Round) or by conveyor from port of unloading or from pit.
- Water storage capacity is planned depending upon availability of water source , rainfall in that area etc.
- Type of condenser cooling choosen i.e cooling tower . Area calculation mentioned above contains IDCT but  if NDCT is being used then area requirement will be more.
-Regarding water system following data based assumptions were made.
i) Consumption rate was assumed as 3.5 metre cube/MW/hr.
ii) Storage capacity of 10days plant requirement considered.
iii) Depth of reservoir considers as maximum 8m.
-For switchyard only 400kv /765 kv switchyard considered. 33kv ,11 kv yard if required are beyond this land requirement,
-Laydown area , pre-assembly area, steel yard , construction storage yard etc no additinal land is cosidered . It is assumed that this area will be turned into "GREEN BELT;' Construction people may note this change . It may put erection of SG slightly out of gear as pre-assembly yard will be away from the location required.  
- As discussed earlier ash content in Indian and imported coal considered as 45% and 10 %. It is also assumed that ash will be evacuated in 04 years (100%) from ash pond. 
-Ash slurry pipeline corridor is taken as 10km lenght and 10m wide.
- For MGR the assumption is taken as 20km in length with 30/35m width.
- For Raw water pipeline corridor 10km length and 14m width considered.
For our land calculation IDCT is only been considered if NDCT ( Natural draft cooling Tower )
is used then land requirment will be more.
- If we use GIS in switchyard the land requirement will be less.
I hope i am able give you the importance of land in thermal power station. From tomorrow onwards we will be discussing other prime topic like fuel and air.
If any body requires detail of the topic mentioned above they may free to write in my blog or in my mail dguha1952@gmail .comm. We expect a detail discussion on above subject from the developed countries.  


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