Monday 31 December 2012


Last blogg we have come to know about the proximate analysis of coal our base fuel. Beside coal some other fuels can also be used to run a power station . The names are given below.
1. Coal ( imported and indigenous )  and lignite.
2.  Liquid fuel  heavy fuel oil , light oil , distillate no2, naptha , HSD, Super Kerosene oil and refinery residue  etc.
3. Gaseous fuel comprising of  LNG, BF ( blast furnace Gas) etc.
4. New fuels like orimulsion , di methyl ether , coal bed methane  etc.
Use of coal has already been discussed and for lignite most of our plant is pit head based in south India and North India respectively. Comparatively a new technology has been adopted to fire lignite.
In the later part we will discuss about this fuel use and their cost from a Govt report of India.
The calorific value of the coal (domestic) is        3750 KCAL/KG
After benefaction of coal at Pit head  becomes   4150 KCAL/KG.
The Calorific value of imported coal  is               5400KCAL/KG
The calorific value of  lignite  is                           2800KCAL/KG
The calorific value of  Naptha  is                        10,500KCAL/KG
The calorific value of compressed natural gas    10,000 KCAL/CUM
The calorific value of LNG is                                 9500 KCAL/CUM
The Calorific value of  Diesel                              10,860 KCA/KG
To derive the benefits of the above information the  cost of fuel and availability at destination  point is to be considered. For estimating that pit head, port , pipeline transportation etc are
also considered with assumption of our  available facilities and distances.
The capital cost of power station for different fuel comes as below.
1.  With imported coal                                             4.0  Rs/MW
2. Indigenous Coal                                                  4.0  Rs/MW
3. Lignite (pit head)                                                  4.2  Rs/MW
4. LNG/Naptha /Gas                                                 2.7  Rs/MW
7. Diesel                                                                    3.5  Rs/MW 
The above information is to be noted .


  1. Dear Sir,

    Will you please advise in current scenario in India, power generation cost per KWH in 2017 for all types of fuel?


    Jayanta Biswas
    Mechanical Engineer

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