Friday 30 December 2016


Carry out functional checks to prove the operation of interlocks/inter-tripping between the 415 Volts incoming and bus coupler breakers in each switchboard & MCC.
Carry out functional checks to prove the operation of interlock and inter tripping between the 11 KV upstream and 415 Volts circuit breaker wherever required.
Inspect any physical damage in the bus bar, insulation, panel doors, power & sliding contacts  etc. And to be rectified if found and make individual unit ready for commissioning.
Making the panel inside dust free & free from foreign materials.
Checking the tightness alignment & clearance of bus bars ,smooth ness in racking in & racking out of modules, proper making of sliding contacts, tightness of input power cables and module power control o/ps & control internal wire connection.
Inspect all contacts , relays and make sure that any blocking used for shipping purpose is removed. This is a must check before commissioning .
Check all doors for proper mounting with respect to the switch handle.

Check door interlock mechanism.
Test the pts,cts & relays involved. Keep the recommended settings for the relays like over-current, under-voltage & overload protections, calibrate the meters (ammeters, voltmeters, power meters & energy meters etc)
Test the insulation of boards with 500 v dc megger & the value should be as per the relevant is specification (more than 5 mega ohms)
Check closing & tripping interlocks , overload release setting of all air circuit breakers in the panel.
Check the protection circuit wiring connections by conducting primary injection current
Check  the input power cable terminations from transformer secondary
Ensure  the phase sequence and ct links are proper before charging the panel.
check closing & tripping mechanism operates smoothly both manually and electrically
Space heaters & thermostat shall be in good and running condition.
Energising checks
Check that communications have been established between 11 KV 

switchgear,415 Volts switchgear and the UCB. Also check the safety 

clearance available before charging.

Ensure that the 11 KV and 415 Volts circuit breakers for charging are in isolated position. Also tie breakers between Emergency switchboard No-1 and bus coupler breaker at unit service switchboard No-1 are OFF and isolated.
Ensure that the 415 volts V.T.s for Section A & B are in position and  fuses  in service.
Ensure that all the outgoing feeder breakers, contactors and Isolators of 415 Volts switchgear are off and isolated.
Ensure that the control circuit fuses for 11 KV and 415 volts circuit breakers for the power transformers and those for the 415 volts buscoupler breaker of switchboard are put on.
Ensure that protection relay settings are correct for feeder VCBs at HT switchgear and incomers at LT switchgear.
Energise the 415 volts switchgear control circuit bus  from its normal source of supply.
Put the 415 volts circuit breaker(Incomer 1) in test      position with selector switch in LOCAL.
Close and open the breaker from local and check that the status indications are correct.
Carry out the tests for the next Incomer and     buscoupler for the same LT Switchgear.
Put the 11 KV breaker for power transformer - A in test position with the selector switch to interlock ‘OUT” position.
Close and open the 11 KV breaker from local and      check status indications are correct.
Put the selector switch to interlock IN and close and open the breaker from UCB and check that status    indications are correct.
Carry out the tests for 11 KV breaker Transformer – B.
Put the 11 KV breaker transformer A in service position with the selector switch to interlock ‘IN’     position.
Close the 11 KV breaker from UCB to first  energise the Power Transformer A.
Open and close the 11 KV breaker
Note the ammeter for the transformer H.V side for any abnormal current. Check the transformer   externally for any abnormality.
If 8.3.13 ( bus coupler breakers )is O.K.,put the 415 Volts breaker (Incomer 1) for Transformer A in SERVICE position with the    selector switch in REMOTE.
Close the 415 Volts Incomer 1 breaker from UCB to first energise the section A of LT switchboard.
Check the ammeter and voltmeter reading and noted in the register.

voltage relays are in picked up(energised) condition. Check phase rotation.
Check externally for any abnormality with the 415    Volts LT switchboard.
Initiate tripping through overcurrent relay on the   11 KV side and check that both the 11 KV and 415 Volts breakers of the power transformer A trip.
Put the 415 Volts bus coupler breaker for LT switchgear in SERVICE      position with the selector switch in ‘REMOTE’  
Close the 11 KV and 415 Volts breakers(Incomer 2)    for power transformer B in “TEST” position
Close the 415 volts bus coupler breaker from UCB to first energise the section B of the LT switchgear
Note the ammeter in incomer-A panel for any abnormal      current. Also note the voltmeter in bus section B   for correct bus voltages.
Check that the under voltage relays in section B are in energised condition.
Check externally for any abnormality with the 415    Volts in bus section B
Switch off the bus coupler breaker
Put the 11 KV breaker   for power transformer B in ‘SERVICE’ position with its selector switch to interlock ‘IN’.
Close the 11 KV breaker for power transformer B from      UCB to first energise the transformer.
Open and reclose the 11 KV  breaker
Note the ammeter on the 11 KV side of the transformer for any abnormal current
Check externally for any abnormality with the transformer.
Put the 415 Volts breaker(Incomer 2) for Transformer B in SERVICE       position with its selector switches in ‘REMOTE’
Close the 415 volts breaker for the transformer to   energise the bus section B
Note the ammeter and voltmeter in bus section B for any abnormal current and voltage.
Check phase rotation of B section and phase in &     phase out between section A & B
If everything with the transformers and the LT switchgear are O.K. keep the transformers and the     415 volts bus energised for 24 hours.
After 24 hours check that there is no abnormality    with the transformers and the 415 Volts LT    switchgear. Also check periodically bucholtz relay      for any chapped gas on in.
For MCCs & Aux. Control panels ,Upstream breakers    and interconnecting cables will come into picture in stead of 11 KV outgoing feeder and power      transformers.

Few  portion of SLD are given to understand the flow of power to different LTMCC.

wish all my readers happy new year 2017.

Thursday 8 December 2016


415 Volts LT switch gear consists of two bus sections A&B with a bus coupler between them. The two sections are fed from two individual power transformers 1A and 1B in case of switchboard & up stream breakers in case of MCCs & ACPs.The Transformers get their supplies from 11 KV unit switchgear feeders TRF1 & TRF2.  415 Volts Unit service switchboard feeds the boilers and turbine auxiliaries,(MCCS) Soot blower MCCs,Battery chargers(220 V ,24 V DC) Emergency switch gear and other unit auxiliaries.The single line diagram of the Unit service switchboard is given below :

LT SWITCHGEARS in typical 500 mw Project:     

1.  Unit emergency switchboard

2.  Unit Service Switchboard

3.  ESP-1 to 4 LT Main switchboard

4.  Station service switchboard

5.  Ash system compressor switchboard

6.  Ash water Power House switchboard

7.  Off side plant services switchboard

8.  Switch yard Service Switchboard

9.  CHP Switchboard-1

10.    CHP Switchboard-3

11.    CWPH Switchboard

12.    ADM Bldg. Switchboard

13.    Raw Water Pump House Switchboard

14.    Ash Water Re circulation Service switchboard

15.    Sea Water Power House switchboard

16.    Bunker service switchboard

17.    Sweet Water Makeup Power House switchboard

II Motor Control Centres

1.  Turbine MCC

2.  Turbine valves MCC

3.  Coal mill MCC

4.  Boiler MCC

5.  Boiler Valve MCC

6.  Boiler Damper MCC
7.  Boiler AC Distribution Board

8.  Track Hopper MCC

9.  PT MCC

10.    DM Plant MCC

11.    CMB MCC

12.    ETP MCC

13.    Hydraulic Generation Plant MCC

14.    Chimney lighting MCC

15.    Emergency Chimney board

16.    ESP Area MCC

17.    ESP A/C & Vent MCC

18.    Ash SILO MCC ()

19.    Air Washer MCC

20.    AC & Vent MCC (

21.    Aux. Boiler MCC

22.Station AC Distribution Board

III.Aux Control Panels:

ESP – 1 to 4 Aux Control Panels 




Every 415 V LT  switch gear consists  of a number of equipment and it is proposed that these will be checked individually using standard check lists and test procedures which will be recorded in the testing schedule. Items like transformers (LT and HT side) , Breaker and its circuit, different type of relays and their settings , Bus bars etc. If these equipments are checked individually then commissioning of the particular system will take very less time. All organisation prepared detailed documentation for checking the same . Some of the organisation also outlined about the IMTE required for the testing and also tools are required to do testing work.


All panels are erected , aligned and individually tested for any mechanical damage . Also check all the power contractors ( a waring was issued in last despatch.

Testing equipment required.

1. Variable 03 phase 415 v AC supply and also 220 v DC supply.

2. Insulation tester (megger) hand operated / electronically operated 500V

3 Digital multimeter ( 3 and half digit).

4. Analogue multimeter , Ampere meter , voltmeter 

5. Phase sequense meter.

6. Injection test kit for injecting current /voltage to relays for testing cut in and cut out

7. Micro ohm meter 

8. Battery operated continuity tester .

9. Hand tools of standard size and make.

All IMTE must calibrated and certificate should be available with leader .Cross reference to be mentioned in the testing report.

continued to PART -III