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Saturday 5 November 2016




-Inspect any physical damage in the busbar, insulation, panel doors, power & sliding contacts etc. and to be rectified if found. Special attention to be given on porcelain insulators holding the live line

-Making the panel inside dust free & free from foreign materials

-Checking the tightness alignment & clearance of bus bars ,smoothness in racking in & racking
out of modules, proper making of limit switch contacts(test and service), tightness of input power cables and outgoing  power & control internal wirings.

-Inspect all relays and make sure that any blocking used for shipping purpose is removed and the
armature  moves freely.

-Check all doors for proper mounting with respect to the switch handle.

-Check door interlock mechanism and connection.

-Test the pts,cts & relays involved. keep the recommended settings for the relays like over
current,  under voltage & overload protections, calibrate the meters (ammeters, voltmeters, power
meters & energy meters etc) and keep proper records for future reference.

-  Test the insulation of boards with 5000 v dc megger & the value should be as per the relevant
is specification (more than 50 mega ohms).

-Check closing & tripping interlocks ,overload relay setting in the panel.

-Measure busbar resistance , vcbs contact resistance (should be less than 50 milli ohms), closing
& tripping time if test report is not available at site.

-Check the protection circuit wiring connection by conducting primary injection current.

-Carry out high pot test for 75% of voltage mentioned in the test report for ht buses,100 % for ht
incoming power cables and find out the leakage current.

-Check  the input power cable terminations from transformer secondary

-Ensure  the phase sequence of incoming pt wirings and circuit closing of cts are proper before

charging the panel.

-Check closing & tripping mechanism operates smoothly both manually and electrically.

-Space heaters & thermostat shall be in good condition Space heaters to be ON a day before charging.

-Ensure all covers are provided and no conducting part is earthed. All the gland holes are covered
and temporarily sealed to minimize the short circuit of live terminal through rodents.


-Ensure tie breaker in associated station switchgear is in withdrawn position.

-Ensure all feeder breakers of unit  Swtichgear  are in withdrawn position.

-Check and record the final IR of supply cables for the DC control bus and the AC heater supplies :

-Energise both the supply cables for DC control bus and AC heater supplies.

-Put the tie breaker  in Test position.

-Put  all control fuses for the Tie breaker in position and switch on its control supply.

-Select LOCAL/REMOTE selector switch to local and close and trip the tie breaker once check  its operation.

-Check  tie isolator.  Interlock  in  closing circuit of tie breaker.

-Check that tripping relays for Tie breaker and main incomer breaker are not operated and are reset.

-Select Tie breaker Local / Remote switch to REMOTE.

-Give closing impulse to Tie breaker from UCB and check that the breaker closes.

-Short Terminals (tripping contact of E/F and O/C Relay) and check that tripping relay energises and tie breaker trips.

-Switch off the control supply and reset the tripping relay and remove the shorts  as detailed earlier.

-Put the incomer breaker  in Test position.

-Put control fuses of Incomer breaker in position and switch on control supply.

-Select Local/Remote switch of Incomer breaker to local and close and trip the incomer breaker once to check its operation.

-Short the terminals  in Incomer breaker cubicle to bypass the “Generator Breaker closed permissive”.

-Select Incomer breaker Local/Remote switch to Remote.

-Give closing command by control switch in UCB and check that the breaker closes.

-Switch on the control supply to tie breaker.

-Short terminals  in incomer breaker and check that :
a.            Incomer breaker trips
b.            Tie breaker closes automatically

-Reset all alarms and relays and remove shorts.

-Give trip command to incomer breaker control switch in UCB to bring switch position corresponding to breaker position.

-Put check/manual switch for incomer breaker in UCB in MANUAL position.

-Give closing command to incomer breaker and check  that :
a.            Incomer breaker closes.
b.            Tie breaker trips automatically.

-Reset all alarms and relays.

-Give trip command to tie breaker control switch in UCB to bring switch position corresponding to
breaker position.

-With incomer breaker ON and check/manual switch in manual position, give closing command to the tie breaker and check  that :
a.            Tie breaker closes;
b.            Incomer breaker trips.

-Reset all alarms and relays.

-Trip the Tie breaker.

-Switch off the control supplies to both incomer and tie breakers.

-Remove all test connections and check that any disconnections made for the purposes of testing have been correctly reinstated in tie and incomer panels.

-Keep  incomer breaker in withdrawn position (It will remain in withdrawn position till unit auxiliary
transformers are commissioned).

-Check ‘danger/warning notices’ are fixed at relevant points to ensure safety.

-Ensure effective communications between  UCB and switch board room are established.

-Check and record the final IR value of the following equipments :
a Isolator/Tie breaker of associated station switchgear.
b.Tie breaker of  Unit switchgear
c. Unit switchgear bus bar
d.Tie bus duct/cable megger used ___________ KV

-Ensure VT is  in service position with all its fuses put on.

-Check all the relay settings in TIE breaker panel are as per their protection schedule.


-Put the Tie breaker of associated station switchgear in service position and close the tie breaker to charge the Tie cable.

-Observe the cable for any abnormality.

-Put the tie breaker in service position.

-Switch on the control supply to the tie breaker.

-Inform all concerned parties about the intention of charging the unit switch board.

-Put local/remote switch of tie breaker in REMOTE position.

-Give closing command from the UCB to tie breaker to charge the unit switch board.

-Check and record the unit bus bar voltage for all the three phases.

-Observe the unit switch board for any abnormality.

-Put the synch. Check/manual selector switch to CHECK.

-Check permissive contact in synchronising check relay closes.

-Check the phase sequence at  unit bus VT secondary terminals as detailed in following table.  (It shall be  same as that of associated station board).


-Do the phasing out between VT secondaries of station and unit board.

-Keep the board charged for 24 Hours and  observe it for any abnormality.

-Inspect all equipment externally for  any sign of abnormality after being charged for 24 Hrs.
-It will  be the duty of the testing team leader to ensure that when the system is operating under load conditions that all equipment are externally inspected for any sign of stress or abnormality. 

Few photographs of drawing is given below

balance phographs in final part


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    Наклонно-сдвижной портал – это системы, кои обладают очень обширной площадью остекления. Для сдвига створок присутствуют верхние и нижние полозья, посредством которых створка легко и бесшумно движется.
    Скольжение совершается при помощи ходовых роликов, что имеют в своем составе опору в качестве элементов армирования, которое позволяет очень равномерно распределить массу по по всему окну. Они дают возможность створке передвигаться в различных режимах (наклона, сдвига).
    Высота створки должна быть меньше 2360 мм, а ширина створки окна может меняться от 670 мм до 1,60 метра. С учетом суммарного веса (изменяется от 100 кг до 200 кг), на параллельно-раздвижное окно ставится специальная фурнитура ради гарантии надежного функционирования створок, увеличения срока эксплуатации. Ширина свободного проема может достичь 2000 мм.
    Подъемно-сдвижные порталы могут похвастаться отличными герметичными качествами, хорошими показателями звуко-, термоизоляции, предлагают существенный уровень противовзломности, прекрасно подходят для всех вариантов нынешних профилей. При монтаже применяют опоясывающие щеточные уплотнители, которые ощутимо улучшают работу створок.
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