Friday 31 January 2014


I have discussed about commissioning fans and its lubrication oil system . I have also discussed

the commissioning of fuel oil ( light Diesel Oil and Heavy  Fuel oil) system. This commissioning
includes acid cleaning ,rinsing and flushing of lines and restoration. There are other equipment
also which can be commissioned separately. Those are valves and dampers , soot blowers (specially
air heater soot blower which is required early because of oil firing of unit at the beginning ) .
However commissioning as system will be starting from ALKALI BOIL OUT AND ACID

For these activities original equipment Manufacturer's
recommendation should be followed as they are best judge of their
However here I will try to give a glimpse of the activities and its requirement to the benefit of the
reader. My project will be restricted to standard 500MW set and also 660MW set .
The objective of this commissioning schedule is to clean the internal surface of the steam generating
portion and heating surface (Economiser) using specified chemicals.

The objectives are achieved by carrying out the following testing proposals.
By carrying out an effective boil-out, grease and any protective coatings applied are removed.
Then, it is subjected to acid cleaning for the removal of patchy mill scale and rust.
Finally, the acid pickled surface is passivated for the formation of uniform and coherent magnetite l

Prior to the commencement of chemical cleaning, all the demineralised water storage tanks
should be kept full and the demineralising units kept in regenerated condition.
Approximately, 6000 m3  of demineralised water will be consumed for the  entire process. At
any time of acid cleaning, a minimum of two boiler volumes (app. 1400 m3 ) of
demineralised water should be available in ready stock to facilitate rapid flushing of the
system in the event of chemistry upset.d valves
Temporary pumping station will be required for filling up boilers with chemical. For a
power station where two to three units are there 05 numbers pumps are planned. This
need temporary foundation ,electrical connections ,pipelines ,valves and tanks etc to
be installed . Adequate safety precaution to be taken though it is temporary work.
Now a- days a few vendors are available to do the alkali boil out and acid cleaning
with their own equipment .
Advantage of having own equipment is that the same can be used for pre boiler flushing
of condensate ,feed water ,drip lines etc. We have seen the system is being used time
and again as per requirement.
Neutralising pit will be required to neutralize the chemical acid /alkali coming out from
boiler during draining and rinsing . Pit capacity will be three times the volume of boiler

continued to PART -ii

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Friday 24 January 2014



After steam blowing is completed, Fuel oil system is normalised for commissioning the LFO
and HFO pumps.

LFO and HFO Pumps are commissioned with pump re-circulation and ready for oil flushing.

LFO pumps of auxiliary boiler are commissioned and available for regular operation.

LFO Lines

Fuel lines are lined up for LFO flushing through LFO return line from Boiler.
LFO Pump started and line flushed for 24 hours. Pump suction filter is taken out and
Again flushing continued for 8 hours. If condition of the filter remains clean, flushing can be

LFO lines are subsequently normalized and released for regular operation.

HFO pump started and first section of the line flushed for 24 hours. In between from time to
time, filter is cleaned.

Again flushing continued for 8 hours. After every 8 hour or as per requirement, filter is
cleaned. Depending on the condition of the filter remains clean, flushing can be terminated.
HFO lines are normalized and released for regular operation.
Oil flushing can be declared completed after minimum of 24 hrs flushing or  minimum of
8 hours running without filter chocking.
Following equipment  and system will be under commissioning.

Air cooled Oil Gun Assembly :- 

No. of burners  :  20 nos. per boiler arranged in 5 elevations. All Burners will be suitable for
firing heavy oil/LSHS/HPS and bottom most elevation  will be suitable for firing light oil also.
LDO Supply & Return Trip Valves

Corner Trip nozzle (Air, Oil & Steam) Valves
High energy arc ignitors assembly
Discriminating Scanner Assembly
Fuel Oil Heaters
Fuel oil lines from HFO/LDO Pump to Burners
Atomizing steam line from Aux. PRDS to burners
HFO Steam Tracing Lines
Pressure Filters are provided before HFO Heating Station and HFO Trip Valves
Plant Completion List to be prepared at site prior to commissioning of oil firing system for
mechanical, electrical and C&I areas.

All manpower ( operation) is in position .Necessary safety precaution is taken oil will be

charged and possibility of fire increases.

As per the normal starting/  operating procedure initially LFO firing is taken up for warming

up the boiler before firing HFO fuel.
Hydraulic Test, Steam blown and oil flushing of LDO/HFO and atomising steam line


The Fuel Oil Burner Assembly with Scanners and Ignitors are erected as per required
drawing. (Oil Gun ‘dimension, scanner orientation etc are checked from outside and inside
the furnace  & Igniior Advance / Retract mechanisation checked).We termed as Burner
alignment i.e to check the fireball position. It is major and important activity to be completed
before light up.
Steam tracing lines are erected and terminated to suitable outlet point.
Power supply system to scanner, ignitor and trip and corner nozzle valve solenoids are
commissioned and available for operation

Require local/remote I&C input are made available. (List to be prepared at site).

Filter elements in the system are erected in position

Corner station are steam blown and corner nozzle valves and burner flexible hoses are

Trial run of LDO/HFO Pumps through pump RC completed.

Steam blowing of LDO, HFO, Atomising Steam Line from Pump House to Ring Header

Steam Tracing lines are completed with steam traps station.

24 V DC, 220 V Dc supply with UPS are in charged condition

Dry simulation of FSSS System for LDO/HFO oil elevation (AB-LDO & CD-HFO) completed
with required permissive and interlocks (List to be prepared at site)

Scanners and ignitors are mounted as per drawing.

Trial run of ID/FD Fans System and Scanner Air fans completed and released for normal
operation of plant.

Trial run of SAPH and availability of ESP to be ensured.

Boiler cleared for light up (Refer to Boiler O&M for other preparatory checks to be made
prior to light up)

Boiler expansion constraints are removed and ensured for free expansion. Expansion Trans
erected at pre-determined locations.
Availability of instruments and service air to be ensured

Boiler filled up to normal operating level.

Ash handling system erected and provides required sealing at all required locations / areas.


 Start ID/FD/APH Systems as per normal start up procedure. (Respective Testing
Schedules or O&M to be referred) and establish required furnace draft (Around –5 to –10

Depending on the availability of SCAPH, it can be charged (SCAPH charging is optional
during trial light up of LFO burner, which is done to prove the burners)

Start the LDO Pump and ensure charging up to fireman’s floor

Adjust the boiler airflow and wind box DP to the required level

Put the RC valve operation of LFO Pump on ‘auto’

Give command for “start” of LFO burners and watch for flame establishment

Once the flame is established, ensure

a.   Oil combustion is proper and

b.      Flame scanner pick up the flame.
After few minutes of operation, trip the burner and observe and ensure that shutdown

sequence take place as envisaged.
Repeat the above procedure for other LFO Oil Guns

HFO Firing

Start ID/FD/APH Systems as per normal start up procedure. (Respective Testing Schedules
or O&M to be referred) and establish required furnace draft (Around –5 to –10 mmwc)

Charge SCAPH and raise the air temperature to around 600C.

Adjust the boiler airflow and windbox DP to the required level

Charge    a.     Atomising Steam System and

                b.     Steam Tracing System

Start any one of the HFO Pump and after charging HFO Heater, charge HFO line up to
boiler and put under short recirculation first and then long recirculation for raising HFO

After attaining HFO firing temperature (around 1150C -- 1200C), give command for HFO
burner “start”. Watch the flame establishment.

Once the flame is established, ensure

a.   Oil combustion is proper and

b.      Flame scanner pick up the flame.

After few minutes of operation, trip the burner and observe and ensure that shutdown
sequence take place as envisaged.

Repeat the above procedure for other HFO Oil Gun, in that elevation.

Oil Gun, in other elevations are commissioned on similar lines as explained above.

 With the Commissioning of LFO/HFO System, boiler is ready to commence all pre-
commissioning activities, such as alkali boil-out, steam blowing, safety valve floating, steam
dumping etc.
LFO/HFO - Light diesel oil /Heavy fuel oil

mmwc- mili meter of water column

SCAPH - steam coil air preheater.

SAPH - Secondary Air pre heater.

FSSS- Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System ( Burner Management System.


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Monday 20 January 2014


In continuation of Part -I and II of FO,LDO system description and commissioning this article

will cover the oil flushing and Steam Blowing of the system.

To remove debris and clean the internal surface of oil lines in the LFO/HFO system,
including atomising steam lines and steam tracing lines oil flushing and steam blowing
are being carried out in systematic manner . This will prevent particle to be passed into
screw pumps and burner nozzle.

Auxiliary Boiler or Low temperature APRDS will be used for steam blowing the Fuel Oil
lines. Now -a days auxiliary boiler with requisite parameter is available on rent .They will
bring their boiler and cater all the pre-requisite steam for the system. APRDS can only be
used if there is an existing running boiler.
Steam blowing the Fuel Oil line by continuous blowing method for the duration of 20-30
minutes at a pressure of 10-12 Kg/cm2 and a super heat of at least 500C at source.
Depending upon the site conditions, the different sections / circuits for steam blowing may
be decided by consulting PIDs of the system ,equipment manufacturer's recommendation.
Following are pre-requisite for steam blowing
Hydraulic test ,support work and insulation completed on all the lines where steam blowing
is to conducted.
All safety precautions and emergency safety precaution are in place .

Auxiliary boiler is fully ready for supplying steam for steam blowing F.O. lines.
Steam drawn either directly from Aux. Boiler outlet through a temporary lines connected to
F.O lines or from APRDS. This is to be decided at site as per the erection readiness of
these system.
Trip valves, control valves, flow elements are not erected and suitable spool pieces are
erected at these places. A check list will be prepared for activities of their type which will be
used during restoration.
Filter elements and NRV internals are removed.
Temporary exhaust pipes lines are erected avoiding equipment and buildings.
All vents and drains are properly routed and supported.
Day Tanks and storage tanks for LFO and HFO are ready for operation.
All steam lines as well as oil lines are insulated.
No permanent instruments has been installed in the lines being steam blown/oil flushed.
They are totally isolated from steam blowing / oil flushing, in case erected.
SL.             PIPELINES                                         PR       DURATION    NO.OF BLOWS(min)
1.   Steam lines from Aux .Boiler/APRDS             10.0          20-30 min             3
2.  FO lines from Pump House to Boiler               10.0          20-30 min             3
3.  LFO lines from Pump House to Boiler             10.0          20-30 min             3
4.  Steam lines from Boiler to Pump House          10.0          20-30 min             3
5. Steam tracing & Condensate lines                     6.0           20-30 min             3
6. All the other FO /LDO Lines                              10.0          20-30 min             3
7. FO unloading Header                                         2.0           10  min                 3.  
Brief method of Steam Blowing
Auxiliary Boiler is lighted up as per O & M manual start up procedure after attaining steam
pressure about 10-12 kg/cm2  carry out the warnming of the line to be steam blown at a
lower pressure. Raise the steam pressure at the drum to 10-12 kg/cm2  and give the blow
for a duration of 20-30 minutes. Maintain the pressure during the blowing period.
Allowing it to cool down for 2 hours, above process is repeated for another one or two times
till it meets the completion criteria. Between every blows, 2 hours cooling time will be given.
Keeping the line pressure 5 kg/cm2  carry out the purging of drains/vents & instrument
taping points for 10 minutes each.
Similarly, repeat other loops/sections/sub-sections are steam blown.
Drains/vents of F.O lines are kept open as required during steam blowing and after, for
draining condensate. Allow to cool down the piping. Dry them with compressed air.
NOTE: During the cooling period of one section, other section as per convenience, will be steam blown.
After completion of steam blowing, all spool pieces are removed and Trip valves, control
valves and flow elements, filler elements and NRV internals are restored / normalized. Pipe
connections to LFO/HFO pumps are normalized and pumps are commissioned.

continued to Part -iv oil flushing and final commissioning

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Wednesday 15 January 2014


This is in continuation of my last Blog ( FO ,LDO UNLOADING AND PRESSURING


Fuel Oil Pump House: Consist of following items

Fuel Oil Pump House is located close to Fuel Storage Yard. This Pump house is housing.

1.              HFO Pump set & Heater for Auxiliary Boiler

2.              HFO Pump set for Main Boiler (3 Nos)

3.              HFO Heater Set

4.              LDO Pump set (2 Nos)

5.              Drain Oil Tank & Pump Set

6.              Electrical & control Panels for all the F.O. Pump House auxiliaries.

Heavy Oil Pumping Unit (Common for two boilers):
No. of Pumps     :     3 x 50% (2W + 1 S )
Capacity             :     Each pump to meet 50% capacity of two
                                 Boiler requirement
Type                   :     Screw Type
Suction Strainer   :     4 nos. Simplex basket type with SS
HFO Heating Unit (Common for two boilers)
No. of Heaters     :     3 (2W + 1S)
Capacity              :      Each Heater to meet 50% capacity of
                                   two boiler requirement
Type                    :      Oil outside, U-type, hair pin BEU type
Discharge Strainer :    4 nos. Simplex type with S.S. Meth
Oil temperature    :      1300C (approx.)
At heater outlet
Light oil Pumping Unit (Common for two boilers)
No. of pumps        :     2 (1W + 1S)
Capacity               :      Each pump to meet 7.5% BMCR Heat
Type                     :     Screw type
Suction Strainer   :      2 nos. Simplex type with S.S. Meth

A typical view of FO PUMP HOUSE (pressuring unit) under construction
A typical lay out of FO Pump House with mono rail.
Fuel Oil Lines (LFO/HFO)
Fuel Oil lines from Fuel Oil Pump House to Main Boiler is routed through trestle with
supports given suitably for thermal expansion. The HFO line is lagged with insulation inside
which steam tracing heating arrangements are provided for the entire length of HFO lines
from day tank to Boiler and back to day tank.
 A Cooler arrangement is provided in the HFO return line near the Fuel Oil Pump House
area for controlling the HFO day tank oil temperature.
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